Doctor Larry

Dr. Larry Burchett, MD

If you saw what I see in the ER everyday, it would change your life. That's my mission, to pull back the curtain of the trauma bay, and move you to a healthier, more meaningful, and richer life.
  • 10 actual meal plans, including breakfast, lunch, snacks and shakes
  • 10 exercise regimens, including cardio and weight lifting specifics
  • Pictures, bios, quotes and philosophies of the Gents
  • A workbook to help you find authentic motivation and build the plan that works for you
  • Practical tips from a registered dietitian, including details of a 100 pound weight loss story
  • 10 actual meal plans, including breakfast, lunch, snacks and shakes
  • 10 exercise regimens, including cardio and weight lifting specifics
  • Pictures, bios, quotes and philosophies of the Gents
  • A workbook to help you find authentic motivation and build the plan that works for you
  • Practical tips from a registered dietitian, including details of a 100 pound weight loss story

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The Doctor’s Journal with Dr. Larry Burchett, MD

If you saw what I see in the ER everyday, it would change your life. That’s my mission, to pull back the curtain of the trauma bay, and move you to a better–healthier, more meaningful, richer–life. A friend inspired me saying, “I want to know more about what you see in the ER, and how to prevent it with lifestyle.” That’s what I’m doing here. Teach with stories, and inspire.

With COVID, there is much to talk about. I worked in New York during the surge, and in a COVID hospital in Los Angeles, and continue to serve on the front lines in ERs throughout California. I’m here to help you make sense of this historical, and often challenging, time–to keep you safe, sane and doing your part. We’ll get through it together. I’m sure of it. Dr. Larry Burchett

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Life Can Change In A Moment

As I see everyday in the ER, Life Can Truly Change in A Moment.
On this show, we tell the stories that matter most, after which, we are never the same.

34 episodes of the video podcast where people share their most life changing moments, from lives saved and lives lost, to moments of sobriety and starts of new businesses. When marriages end and others begin. When a doctor became a patient, and people leave their lives behind to chase dreams and travel, I loved getting into people’s most meaningful life moments.


COVID19 Journalwith Dr. Larry Burchett

Discover NowWe Have Answers

Putting My MD To The Paper, For You.

Updates based on sources, research and facts.
Did you even try a New Years Resolution?January 13, 2021When Holidays Hurt, and Holidays HealDecember 24, 2020How to NOT KILL GRANDMA at Thanksgiving this yearNovember 17, 2020

COVID-19, from the Front Lines in the ER during the pandemic.
10 actual meal plans, including breakfast, lunch, snacks and shakes
10 exercise regimens, including cardio and weight lifting specifics
Pictures, bios, quotes and philosophies of the Gents
A workbook to help you find authentic motivation and build the plan that works for you
Practical tips from a registered dietitian, including details of a 100 pound weight loss story

Videos Worth Watching

Videos Worth Watching

Dr. Larry Talks Allergies KTVU | Dr. Larry Burchett

Life Masters Interview with Dr. Larry Burchett | EverTalk TV

Vaccine Side Effects with KTVU’s Cristina Rendon | Dr. Larry Burchett

Heat Stroke – What is a heat stroke? How can we prevent it? | Doctor Larry

Chelsea Handler’s Quarantine Dating Show | Peacock At-Home Variety Show

Dr. Larry Burchett volunteers on the frontlines of the #COVID19 pandemic in NYC

Ep. 2 – Dr. Larry Burchett, MD

#Plandemic Top Myths Busted by Dr. Larry Burchett, and Why Conspiracy Theories Are Popular Today

Dr. Larry Burchett’s segment for KTVU FOX 2 News Live after week on NYC Covid Tour of Duty.

Why CoronaVirus Isn’t as Bad as we First Thought

The CoronaVirus Apocalypse, Why Dr Larry Thinks Americans Are Going to Be Safe

Why New Years Resolutions Fail, and 5 Things You Can Do to Accomplish Your Goals

Videos Worth Watching

If you saw what I see in the ER everyday, it would change your life.

The Gentleman’s Diet:
10 actual meal plans, including breakfast, lunch, snacks and shakes
10 exercise regimens, including cardio and weight lifting specifics
Pictures, bios, quotes and philosophies of the Gents
A workbook to help you find authentic motivation and build the plan that works for you
Practical tips from a registered dietitian, including details of a 100 pound weight loss story