5 Things You Need to Know About Whooping Cough

Another outbreak of whooping cough in California raises a few questions. Dr. Larry tells you what you need to know here.

This Year’s Flu Season May Be Bad – What You Should Do

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How Preventable is the No. 1 Killer Worldwide: Cardiovascular Disease?

Cardiovascular disease kills more people in the U.S. than anything else. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to avoid it happening to you.

How to Have Your Cake (or Turkey Leg) and Eat It, Too, This Holiday Season

During holiday season, it’s easy to overeat. Dr. Larry offers five tips to keep you from gaining those extra five pounds.

A Man in Pursuit of a Wolverine Body

A body-building physician is crushed when he learns the reality about the pursuit of an ideal physique.

Why You Should Get the Flu Shot: The Truth About Flu Shot Efficacy

It’s a question many ask: Should I get the flu shot? The answer is yes — and every year. But why? Dr. Larry explains.

From Burnout to Satisfaction: How Refocusing and Reframing Can Help Your Happiness at Work

Burnout is common, but you can take steps to avoid it by doing certain things. Dr. Larry gives some advice for focusing on the positive.

Self-love for men

Diabetes, Diet or Self-Hate: What is the Real Cause of Disease?

While diet and exercise is an important part of staying healthy, Dr. Larry also stresses the importance of self-love to be the man you want to be.

Thought Catalog: Crack Addicts Don’t Want To Die

I’ve worked throughout California in over 15 different hospitals, and have seen people die from all kinds of drug abuse, from alcohol to methamphetamine, heroin, and even prescription drugs. But I’ve never seen so many people die of cocaine than at the hospital at which I work in Compton.

Want Success? What are You Tracking?

Often, the first step to improving an aspect of your life is to track its progress. Dr. Larry explains how to start tracking what really matters.